
Mise Scéal Cailín

The puppetry in Mise Scéal Cailín was absorbing.

— Irish Theatre Magazine, October 2011

This is the story of a little girl that can’t sleep and a cloud that won’t leave her.

With beautiful puppetry, live music and animation Branar tell the story of the night the girl couldn’t get to sleep and the adventure she had trying.

Mise, Scéal Cailín is supported  by the Arts Council and is produced in association with Draíocht.

Branar had the pleasure of working with Espen Dekko of Dekkoart Theatre Denmark as artistic consultant.

Mise, Scéal Cailín was the first show Branar toured to an international festival.

Designed for children aged 6 – 10 years

Duration: Approx. 40 mins

Creative Team
Marc Mac Lochlainn
Espen Dekko
Ionia Ní Chróinín and Miriam Needham
Morgan Cooke
Morgan Cooke
Set Design and Build
Marcus Quinlan
Lighting Design
Marcus Quinlan
Costume Design
Miriam O Donohue
Puppet Design
Suse Reibisch
Róisín Coyle
Méabh Ní Thuathaláin and Aneesah Hijazeen
Production Assistant
Réidín Ní Thuama
Print Design
Peter O’Toole
Public Relations
Gwen O Sullivan